2-in the currency market available at every moment trading conditions, regardless of the state of the economy generally. This situation imposes on the stock market retreat has long-lasting impossible to work. In currencies, a dealer can sell in the market and buy passiveness in the market is high. This provides the possibility of a profit in the case.
3-easily traded currencies due to the small number, Valeraesseh of not more than six pairs, and this offers the possibility of focus and analysis. It also raises the incidence in defining the goal and reduce the error rate, while the shares that are dealing with more than hundreds of thousands, confounding dealer sometimes opted to different ways unsafe side to identify and hand work.
4-in the currency market, you can obtain the free illusory deal, which trained on the progress of work, while not in the stock market. You can also obtain market news periodically and continuous, and the graph too. 5-in the currency market, you can start with the "Arab Online Brokers" deal in a mini-account gives you the danger of trains because Khsartk limited to one point in this account equal to the loss in the extreme case one dollar. This is impossible in other markets.
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